Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer Wiki

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Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer Wiki

"The First Toymakers to the King" is a song sung by Tanta Kringle in Santa Claus Is Comin To Town.


Tanta: It's a difficult responsibility
When you an accept an appointment from His Majesty
You must strive for just the perfect quality
When you're the first toymaker to the king!

All the soldiers must stand erect
For the kingdom they protect
The balls must bounce much higher
If they're to please his royal sire
The ballerinas must pirouette
Upon their musical toes
And the clowns must make a king forget
All his kingly woes!

Tanta and Kringles: It's a difficult responsibility
When you an accept an appointment from his majesty
You must strive for just the perfect quality
When you're the first toymaker to the king!

Tanta: All the sailboats must never sink
And the dollies always wink
The teddy bears be furry
If they're to gay his royal curry
The jack-in-boxes must always pop
At every regal command
And the kangaroos must learn to hop
Into the prince's hand!

All: It's a difficult responsibility
When you an accept an appointment from his majesty
You must strive for just the perfect quality
When you're the first toymaker to the king!
