Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer Wiki

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Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer Wiki

"No More Toymakers to the King" is a song sung by BurgerMeister MeisterBurger in Santa Claus Is Comin To Town.


Burgermeister: It's a difficult responsibility
That you accept from the number-one lawmaker, me
Have it known throughout the land from sea to sea
There'll be no more toymakers to the King!

All the tin soldiers -- melt them down
Wash the face of every clown
Each bouncing ball -- deflate it
No, I don't want to debate it!
The ballerinas who pirouette
Arrest their musical toes
Outlaw the dolls and sink the boats!
They bring me only woes!

It's a difficult responsibility
That you accept from the number-one lawmaker, me
Have it known throughout the land from sea to sea
There'll be no more toymakers to the King!

Every jack-in-the-box be sealed
Till my wounded pride be healed
Stuffed animals -- unstuff them!
When a child objects -- rebuff 'em!
No more drummers who rat-a-tat-tat
No buglers who root-a-toot-toot
Don't let me see another toy
Or you will feel my boot!

Grimsby: It's... a... difficult responsibility
That he extract from the number-one law keeper, me
Be it known throughout the land from sea to sea

Burgermeister: Toys are hereby declared illegal, immoral, unlawful, and, anyone found with a toy in his possession will be placed under arrest and thrown in the dungeon!

Grimsby: There'll be no more.. toy... makers... to the King!
